What we strive to achieve is not impossible, yet it takes commitment and support from one and all. It was never about the money, although that is extremely important, it is about the role that we play as humans in this theatre called life. It is about the need to be helpful and honest in our helpfulness. It is the desire for good to prevail against all forms of injustice, as seen towards Mogammat by his Medical Aid Scheme. It is the belief that we can overcome all obsticles regardless of the pressure and the time constraints if we merely stand together and face our fears and challenges head-on. To those who have generously given, not in amount but in desire, and those that could not give yet had that desire to, we as Supernova  commend you and say to you:-

You are us, Together we will be strong, and United we Shall Achieve.

Thank you ....................................

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